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9 KHz – 4 GHz


Rohde & Schwarz ZVRE 9 KHz – 4 GHz, Vector Network Analyzer The family comprises the five Vector Network Analyzers ZVRL, ZVRE and ZVR as well as ZVCE and ZVC which extend the frequency range to 8 GHz. All models are compact instruments with integrated generator, test set and receiver, each tailored to a different field of application. All analyzers can be subsequently upgraded to the higher-class models. ZVRE and ZVCE : the economy models The test set of these models comprises two SWR bridges (ZVRE) or directional couplers (ZVCE), an RF switch, two measurement channels and one reference channel. They measure the magnitude and phase of all four S-parameters of a DUT, allow a full two-port calibration (TOSM) and have an exceptionally high accuracy and wide dynamic range.

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